Neon google sign in an elevator lobby, with people and a dog

Seattle Tech Client

Installations & Exhibits

As part of a South Lake Union campus, two standout six-story buildings have unique installations designed for both the employee and visitor journey. At the entrance, the ground floors of both buildings are united by the “Lumihedron,” a lighting installation. This bespoke assembly of individually controllable light fixtures plays vibrant displays, drawing inspiration from the concept of the powers of ten. The dance of expanding and contracting inferred cubes becomes a visual to unify the two buildings.

Further enriching the ground floor experience, one building’s exterior comes alive with a rear projection window. Displaying both the current and upcoming weather forecasts, this facade also refreshes daily with content sourced directly from our client’s homepage. Inside the the workspace, visitors and staff are invited to explore exhibit niches strategically placed throughout the buildings. These spaces serve as windows into Seattle’s rich tapestry, offering insights into the city’s unique history and heritage.

Person walking past wooden LED sign
Digital graphics displayed on office windows. Graphics are pixel art of a hilly area with trees
Digital graphics on office windows. Graphics show weather data and reads. "Now 41, Soon 34, Later 33."
Person walking in Google office
Wooden backlit Google sign on a wood wall. In a lobby with colorful chairs
Light installation for Seattle Tech Client
Wall graphics for Seattle Tech Client
Light installation for Seattle Tech Client
Person interacting with wooden wall graphic. Graphic has red cubes that can be pulled out of their slot to reveal information on the sides of the cubes
Wooden graphic inset into a wall. The graphic has information about Pike Place and uses wooden triangles
Detail image of the wooden Pike Place graphic
Interactive graphic with rotating green wooden triangles and facts about Seattle.
Full image of rotating triangle graphic
Workplace graphics featuring a dimensional wooden infographic.
Detail image of wooden graphic. Reads "Now playing 'Seattle Classics' on Google Play Music," and "Sounds like 'Just Breathe' by Pearl Jam."
Wooden interactive triangle graphic with textured linework graphics
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Graham Hanson Design 20|20