Seattle Tech Client
Installations & ExhibitsAs part of a South Lake Union campus, two standout six-story buildings have unique installations designed for both the employee and visitor journey. At the entrance, the ground floors of both buildings are united by the “Lumihedron,” a lighting installation. This bespoke assembly of individually controllable light fixtures plays vibrant displays, drawing inspiration from the concept of the powers of ten. The dance of expanding and contracting inferred cubes becomes a visual to unify the two buildings.
Further enriching the ground floor experience, one building’s exterior comes alive with a rear projection window. Displaying both the current and upcoming weather forecasts, this facade also refreshes daily with content sourced directly from our client’s homepage. Inside the the workspace, visitors and staff are invited to explore exhibit niches strategically placed throughout the buildings. These spaces serve as windows into Seattle’s rich tapestry, offering insights into the city’s unique history and heritage.
- Seattle, WA