Wayfinding Graphics

New York Tech Client

We crafted our New York Tech Client’s wayfinding system to be striking and playful to help navigate users through an immensely complex space. This system uses vibrant graphics and flowing lines to make navigation a dynamic experience. A stencil-painted approach was chosen for its versatility across various surfaces and textures, a crucial consideration for the setting of our client’s unique space.

Our stencil-painted approach was chosen for its versatility across various surfaces, a crucial consideration for the dynamic setting of our client’s unique space. This adaptable technique ensures that the wayfinding system integrates seamlessly within each context.

Key destinations, such as floor entrances, stairs, and restrooms, are highlighted using supergraphics, framed callouts, and other painted moments. These visual cues, combined with bold lines winding through the space, enhance placemaking and simplify navigation through the intricate environment.

The wayfinding system is part of a larger graphic scheme celebrating how individuals decorate and style their homes and personal spaces. The use of gallery wall-style frames and bold lines that frame the walls and weave through the space connects the wayfinding elements with the overall graphics and interior design.


  • New York Tech Client


  • New York, NY


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Graham Hanson Design 20|20