St. John’s Terminal Plaza

Exterior Signage and Wayfinding

In the vibrant landscape of New York City, Google’s St. John’s Terminal building symbolizes a melding of the past with the present. Our exterior signage design and wayfinding system captures simplicity, elegance, and reverence by celebrating a rich historical narrative.

The integration of the Google sign within the building’s railbed pays homage to St. John’s Terminal’s past as the terminus of New York Central Railroad’s West Side Line, while embedding Google humbly and seamlessly into the historical fabric of this iconic site.

Wayfinding signage, nestled within the lush landscaping of the 1.5 acre exterior plaza, is inspired by the exposed I-beams of the facade’s railbed and integrates with the building’s industrial aesthetic. The building has several entrances and is open to both guests and employees, requiring navigation to be straightforward and simple. A clean, minimalist signage system at the loading docks ensures clarity and complements the building’s sleek design.


  • Google


  • New York, NY
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Joele Frank